Even though it does not logically follow, that a person that only fake smiles in photographs is a psychopath, two professional RC racers have raised alarm levels in the RC industry. After the psychopathy study was released, senior officials in the RC Driver's Union noted that there are two current racers in RC that are potential psychopaths, based on them not being capable of showing true emotions even in situations where a normal person would be highly elated.
After a group of decorated psychologists studied the two cases, Ryan Maifield from AZ was removed from the list of potential psychopaths after pictures surfaced of him really smiling after winning two World Championships within a week. However, since it takes winning double world championships for Maifield to be able to crack a legitimate smile, he is still classified as high risk.

The second racer, Ryan Lutz on the other hand, proved to be a more serious case, with not one single real smile photo discovered. According to the psychologists, the effort Ryan puts into his fake smiles is a further warning sign, and he is almost certainly a psychopath. At this point it is not known how Ryan Lutz’s psychopathy manifests itself, and it is possible that he contains it through devout religious study.
Below you can see part of the evidence gathered by the psychologists studying this case.